Fan mad 3d sonic game
Fan mad 3d sonic game

The lack of boost not only accommodates the momentum mechanics, but also gives moves that haven’t been relevant since the Adventure era like the light speed dash, spin dash and bounce attack a chance to shine.

fan mad 3d sonic game

With enough speed, the characters will even run along these walls instead, similar to the parkour from Lost World. The game even borrows the surface gripping mechanics from Unleashed, allowing characters to grab onto sheer walls and jump off them. While the game doesn’t include an option to boost, characters still feels very zippy, with a fast running speed, a homing attack with a massive range, and a targeting reticule. The momentum-centric platforming and expansive level design is drawn from the classic games, but almost everything else feels more like a fusion of Adventure and Boost era mechanics. Sonic GT accomplishes this by borrowing mechanics from a variety of different Sonic games. Sonic GT is all about those moment-to-moment decisions, and letting you constantly find new ways to move through a stage, sometimes by choice, and sometimes by accident. You can botch a jump, and instead of falling to your death you’ll find yourself in a less convenient area instead. You can hit a slope with enough momentum to send yourself flying high enough to reach a new area you weren’t even planning on going to seconds before. You can be running across a bridge one moment, then leaping over to a nearby rail the next. No single area has just one path through it. In Sonic GT, there is no ideal path, just worlds full of springs, rails, enemies, ramps and slopes. While official 3D Sonic games are typically about moving through fairly linear levels and getting the highest scores and lowest times possible, Sonic GT is all about having you move through massive 3D worlds and letting you find your own way. The core to that fun is how Sonic GT handles movement and level design.

fan mad 3d sonic game

What’s more, this isn’t a demo, but a complete, finished project! That is until now: Sonic GT, developed by NotSoGreedy, is the most fun and impressive 3D Sonic fan game I have ever played, if not one of the best fan games, period. I’ve had loads of fun with these games, but while the scene has been producing impressive 2D games for decades, 3D fan games have typically been rougher, less complete experiences. I’ve been playing Sonic fan games since the early 2000s, occasionally loading them up on my PC whenever something looked interesting.

Fan mad 3d sonic game