How to make a black hole in universe sandbox 2
How to make a black hole in universe sandbox 2

how to make a black hole in universe sandbox 2 how to make a black hole in universe sandbox 2 how to make a black hole in universe sandbox 2

"That is why this duality is very important and useful." "It is often the case that things difficult to compute on one side are easy to compute on the other side," Rinaldi says. Instead, they could study easy-to-handle 2D space around the beast, then extrapolate the 3D architecture lurking inside. If holographic duality truly dictates the universe, scientists wouldn't have to go inside a black hole to take a picture of it. "It has not been proven formally, under the point of view of rigorous mathematics, but we know many examples where this duality actually works," says lead author Enrico Rinaldi, a research scientist at the University of Michigan, based in Tokyo and hosted by the Riken Center for Quantum Computing and the Theoretical Quantum Physics Laboratory. Unlike classic sci-fi holograms projected by light from a screen, holographic duality is bound by pure mathematics. No, this wouldn't be like the Star Trek holodeck. It basically presents the fabric of spacetime as a 3D hologram "projected" by 2D webs. In a nutshell, holographic duality suggests that the three-dimensional universe, like space inside black holes, is mathematically strung to the two-dimensional universe, like particle planes and magnetic fields.

How to make a black hole in universe sandbox 2